

Make an online donation

Every donation initiated on this website will be received by the Swiss charitable foundation il Pomo d’Oro. Within Switzerland, donations are fully tax-deductible.


For corporate sponsoring, please contact us directly.



We believe that il Pomo d’Oro, a typical group of ‘musical migrants’ with many different nationalities, is a perfect ambassador of the el sistema idea, and we see it as our heartfelt responsibility to help with what we know best: music. In the start-up period we contributed to El Sistema Greece as a group by giving concerts and workshops, and as individuals by providing instrumental lessons and tutoring.


Now that the project is working on a much bigger level and has professional instructors of the original El Sistema method, we contribute with fundraising concerts and have moved on to professional tutoring of the El Sistema baroque orchestra with our teachers from the il Pomo d’Oro Academy, thus entering into a new exciting collaboration with this wonderful El Sistema movement.

Organize a fundraising concert with il Pomo d’Oro at your private event to support the wonderful humanitarian work of El Sistema Greece!


Please contact us directly for details and possibilities.



In the historic center of Monte San Savino (province of Arezzo), a picturesque little town in the heart of Tuscany, we found the place of our dreams: a former Benedictine monastery, which was already turned into a hotel some years ago and then had been abandoned for some time.


We managed to aquire it at a symbolic price and are now starting with some necessary renovation work to make it fit for its musical future as the residence of il pomo d’oro and as a place to host instrumental and vocal masterclasses and workshops, also in partnership with local and foreign institutions in the field of music.


The monastery provides hospitality (ca. 30 single and double bedrooms), a variety of classrooms, it has a beautiful garden, a magnificent roof terrace overlooking the Val d’Arno, and a fully equipped restaurant kitchen.


Situated within the complex of the monastery, there is a separate historical building, already used as a music school in the past – the ‚ex- scuola da musica‘. This beautiful building with its cubic dimensions and atmospheric architectural design is perfectly suitable for masterclasses, small concerts and recitals – purposes which require a harpsichord as a continuo- and at times also as a solo instrument.

We ordered an instrument at
one of the best Italian makers, Andrea Restelli, a modified copy of a harpsichord by German organ and harpsichord maker Christian Vater from 1738.
Any contribution you can afford is highly appreciated!

Sponsor the acquisition of a fine concert harpsichord for the ‘scuola da musica’ in the monastery!

Masterclasses of world-renowned singers and instrumentalists will be organized as soon as the restoration works are finished. Details will be published on our website and in social media. For the masterclasses any support is welcome to help the students pay the admission-fees and to cover the artists fees.

Sponsor a masterclass!

Are you a passionate gardener?

Help us revive the monastery garden as a place of contemplation and delight



At the monastery, because of limited space and limited construction permissions, we could not realize the recording studio as originally planned.


However, at a distance of a few kilometers of the historic center of Monte San Savino, we then found the ideal place: an abandoned brickwork factory, situated within a small paradise of wild nature, surrounded by fields and vineyards.


Here we can construct a recording and concert hall which combines architectural simplicity and sustainability with acoustic excellence.


Its design follows the plan by Japanese architect Tatsuro Miki (Brussels) and Axel Vervooprdt (Antwerp), in cooperation with local architect Roberto Verdelli (Arezzo), who is also guiding the work in the monastery. The acoustic concept of the hall is designed by Petra Nies from the renown German engineering company Müller-BBM.


Financially, we are aiming at a combination of public funding (requalification of abandoned industrial areal) and private sponsoring.

Financially, we are aiming at a combination of public funding (requalification of abandoned industrial areal) and private sponsoring.


Please contact us for more detailed information about the project and sponsoring possibilities.



In the year 2022, the year of our 10th anniversary, we started an ambitious recording project that exceeds all our our many recording endeavours so far: the complete recording of Mozart’s 41 symphonies, conducted by our chief conductor, Maxim Emelyanychev.


In cooperation with the French label Aparté and under the guidance of its founder, Nicolas Bartholomée, we have already recorded 3 volumes, two of which were released in 2023. 6 volumes will be released physically and digitally, the remaining symphonies only digitally, one by one.


Since the orchestra does not receive subsidies or public funding, we would highly appreciate financial support of private or corporate Mozart enthusiasts.


Discover our Discography

Help us to continue recording Mozart’s complete 41 symphonies, masterpieces from the first to the last one, recorded entirely on period instruments.


Adopt the recording of one symphony, or adopt the recording of a whole album!


For details please contact us directly